Our Films
Coming ‘Round
Currently in production
Co-produced with Mitchell Johnson and Aba Media, 60 minute. Very few encounters between European colonists and Native Americans could be considered to have benefited the Native population, either directly or indirectly. Yet a relationship that began over 200 years ago between the Kashia Pomo of the Northern California coast and Russian settlers who founded Fort Ross has recently been revived, energizing the tribe's cultural traditions in their successful quest for ownership and return of ancient lands. Funding by California Humanities, Vision Maker Media.
Chasing Voices: The Story of John Peabody Harrington
Currently in post production
Producer/Director, 60 minute. In the early 1900’s many of California’s native languages were on the verge of extinction. For one man, documenting these last remaining tribal languages and became an obsession. Hidden from many and not until after his death was it revealed the priceless treasures he had tucked away from the world. His work would have a profound effect on bringing many languages back from extinction. Funded by ITVS DDF, California Humanities, Vision Maker Media.
Decade of Dominance- The Warriors
Producer/Director, 70 min. Documentary about the San Pasqual High School football team, the only team from a Native American reservation to win a state championship in football. They won 5 AIAA state championships during the 1970’s. Now making the festival circuit.
Songs of the Colorado
2011, 54 min. Documentary focusing on the different music and song sung by the original tribes along the Colorado River. The purpose is to provide insight into the how the songs connect the different tribes to each other through language, geography, tradition, oral history, and spiritual belief.
Waila! Making The People Happy
Producer/Director, 2009, 30min. Telling the history and evolution of Waila Music, the contemporary social dance music of Native American tribes of southern Arizona, through three generations of the Joaquin’s, a family of musicians. National PBS broadcast premier April 2009. Producer, Director, Camera, Co-editor. Funding by NAPT (Vision Maker Media) and ITVS Lincs.
Tribal Justice
2017, 60 minute, Co-producer. Two Native American judges reach back to traditional concepts of justice in order to reduce incarceration rates, foster greater safety for their communities, and create a more positive future for their youth. By addressing the root causes of crime, they are providing models of restorative justice that are working. Mainstream courts across the country are taking notice. PBS and NEH Funded. Aired nationally on PBS POV
Journey From Spirit Mountain
2008, 35 min. Preston Arrowweed, the last Quechan Lightning singer, tells the story of the Lightning song, a story about the original migration of the Quechan people from Spirit Mountain to their present home. We retrace the route told in the song discovering the different places, animals and people describe by the original dreamer. Preston shares his understanding of the songs meaning, a meaning quickly fading. Will the song continue or be lost? Director, Editor, Camera.
Greed Energy
2013, 50 min. Greed Energy illustrates the adverse effects the Obama administration's "Fast-Tracking" of large scale renewable energy projects, such as Ocotillo Wind Express located in Imperial County California has had on the Yuman tribes sacred sites with in the project area and the regions ecologically sensitive desert environment. See first hand the desecration of ancient burial sites by this large-scale renewable energy developer and meet the people and communities who are fighting back.
Client Productions
Claiming Our Languages. 2015, 25 min. Produced for Owens Valle Career Development Center, Tells the story of OVCDC’s language program, highlighting the diverse California Native languages with in their service area.
Native Cry PSA. 2012 & 2013, 5 min. Produced for Native Cry, this short public service announcement was produced to spark awareness and action regarding the high suicide rate in Native American communities.
Káamalam Pomchóx’ivo ‘Éxva Teméeku Póoto, The Creation of the People at ‘Éxva Teméeku. 2012, 45 min, Produced for the Pechanga Band of Luiseño. This documentary tells the story of the Luisenõ funeral songs, Nukwaanish, which retells the Luiseño account of the origins of the worold and the birth of the first people. It is the vision of the last elderly singer of the songs, Raymond Basquez-Caparapish Sr. to document the songs for future generations. He hopes to spark a flame in the younger generations to stimulate interest in Luiseño culture.
Tule River Water Arbitration. 2011, 14 min, Produced for the Tule River Tribe, Porterville CA. This documentary was produced by the Tule River Tribe and tells the story of the tribes continued battle to secure water for their growing community and the continuing fight with the federal government to secure this water, water which flows through the middle of their reservation, water they cannot have for their own use.
Caretakers of the River. 2010, 13 min. Produced for Cocopah tribe, Yuma AZ. This documentary short tells the importance of the Colorado River to the Cocopah people and how their traditional use of plants and animals are dependent on the survival of the river.
Strengthening The Circle. 2009, 30 min. Produced for Indian Child & Family Services, Temecula CA, this short educational film is to be used as to help parents better their relationships with each other, in the hopes of strengthening the bond between mother, father, and child.
Big Time. 2008, 20 min. Documentary short on the Rumsey Band of Wintun Indians first big time traditional celebration in over 100 years.
Rez Life. 2007, 20 min. Narrative short produced in conjunction with the Fort Yuma Indian ADAPP alcohol and drug prevention program, this is a collaboration between clients who help develop the story and act in the movie to be used as a prevention tool to teach at risk youth the potential risk of drug and alcohol abuse and that it is not to late to change. The stories follows Rudy, a young native man whose life spirals out of control as he becomes addicted to meth.
Morongo Tribal TANF Entrepreneur program. 2012-2013, On going documentation of services and events to promote and show program impact on the community.
Morongo Tribal TANF Entrepreneur program. 2007, 10 min. Promotional video produced for the Morongo Band of Mission Indians Tribal TANF program describing their youth entrepreneurial program.
Morongo Tribal TANF Grand Opening & Career Exposition. 2006, 10 min. Promotional video produced for the Morongo Band of Mission Indians Tribal TANF program describing the services and mission of the program to be used for outreach.
Native Entrepreneurs: Creating Opportunities In Our Communities. 2005, 2006, 2007, 10 min. Promotional video produced for California Indian Manpower Consortium on their entrepreneurial training program.
Coming From The South: 2003, 15 min. Documenting the Manzanita Band Of Kumeyaay Indians summer cultural program where tribal members from across the boarder in Mexico come up to teach their tribal youth traditional arts.
Over The Mountains: 2003, 30min. Documenting a ceremonial trade route reenactment between the Bishop Paiute tribe of the Owens Valley and Mono tribe on the other side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Produced for the Owens Valley Career Development Center, Bishop CA. Director, Camera, Editor.
Olone and the Oaks: 2001. 8 min. Informational about the Olone Indians of the Bay Area and their traditional use of acorns. Writer, Director, Editor.
Investing in the Health of our Future Generations 2000, 12 min. promotional for the Native American Health Center in Oakland CA. Writer, Director, Editor.